Donations by Pledge Zoom App

How do I stop viewing the Donations by Pledge app in my Zoom?
At the very top of the app, you will see three, small dots for ‘More’.   Click ‘Close’. 
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:32 AM
How do I share my fundraiser with Zoom meeting attendees?
After you’ve created a fundraiser, the next step is to share it with your Zoom meeting attendees. Click ‘View’  Click ‘Invite to do...
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:32 AM
Why can’t my meeting attendees download the app?
They may need to update the latest version of Zoom here or may need the administrator of your company or nonprofit Zoom account to allo...
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:32 AM
Why should I install the Donations by Pledge app as a Zoom guest?
By installing the Donations by Pledge app, you will also be able to fundraise for the causes you care about without ever having to leave Zoom. Plus, if yo...
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:32 AM
What if my meeting attendees don’t install the app? Can they still donate?
Yes! They can text in to donate using the keyword you provided when setting up your fundraiser. In the example below, the keyword is TREES. However, the...
Tue, 10 Aug, 2021 at 5:21 PM
Can all of my meeting attendees download the app?
Some of your meeting attendees will be unable to install the app because they are on their mobile phone instead of a computer. For these members of the audi...
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:33 AM
What are all the ways my meeting attendees can access my fundraiser?
Your meeting attendees can access your fundraiser by installing the Zoom App, by text-to-donate (US only), or by visiting the URL to your fundraiser page.&a...
Tue, 10 Aug, 2021 at 5:23 PM
Which best practices do you recommend when choosing a keyword?
Your keyword should only contain alpha-numeric characters, no spaces. Once created, be sure to test your keyword by texting it to 707070.
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:33 AM
How do I view all of the fundraisers I’ve created?
To view all of the fundraisers you’ve created, go to the main homepage by clicking ‘< Home’.&nbsp; All of your fundraisers will be liste...
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:33 AM
How do I end or delete my fundraiser?
You can end or delete your fundraiser by logging into your&nbsp;;account, going to Fundraisers, “more actions” and then “delete....
Wed, 21 Jul, 2021 at 6:33 AM