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Credit Card & Donation Questions
Credit Card Charges
I don't recognize this charge on my credit or debit card!
Can my charitable donation be refunded?
How do I cancel my recurring (monthly or quarterly) donation?
Can my contribution to a personal fundraiser be refunded?
Why did I get a refund from Pledgeling?
View all 7
Crypto Donations
Donations to Charitable Organizations
What fees are taken out of my donation?
How do I know my donation was received by the nonprofit?
Where is my tax receipt?
Are my donations tax deductible?
How do I change the tip?
View all 12
Donor-Advised Fund Donations via Chariot
What is a donor-advised fund (DAF)?
Receiving DAF donations as a nonprofit organization
What is the status of my recent DAFpay donation?
How do I enable DAF donations for my account or fundraisers?
Is accepting DAF donations free?
View all 7
Crypto Donations
General FAQs
What is cryptocurrency?
What is Blockchain technology?
Why is cryptocurrency popular?
What demographic donates to cryptocurrency?
Can I update my fundraiser after it’s created to add crypto?
View all 6
FAQs for Nonprofits
Why should nonprofits accept cryptocurrency?
How will I receive my crypto donation?
What fees are associated with using Pledge Crypto?
Are there tax benefits to using cryptocurrency?
What cryptocurrency does Pledge accept?
View all 7
FAQs for Donors
Why donate cryptocurrency to nonprofits?
How is my donation processed?
Can I donate to any nonprofit?
How do cryptocurrency donations impact my taxes?
What fees are deducted from my donation?
View all 8
Nonprofits: About our database, payments, and reporting
Nonprofits: Payments to You
What is this check that we got from Pledgeling Foundation?
How do I see who donated and how much they donated?
How and when are donations paid out to nonprofits?
Why is my check less than gross donations (What are Pledge's fees)?
Whose Evite event(s) contributed to my organization?
View all 7
Nonprofits: Impact Hub online reporting (and more!)
How do I get an Impact Hub account to see donations and update info?
Where do I log in to Impact Hub to see reports?
I'm having problems logging in to Impact Hub
I requested an Impact Hub password reset but I didn't get the email. Why?
I signed up, but didn't get the email with the verification link
View all 10
Our Nonprofits Database
I see my nonprofit is already listed. How did that happen?
How do I change my nonprofit's listed info (name, address, website …)?
How to get a nonprofit added to our database
Do you support non-US nonprofits?
Can you add a local chapter of a larger nonprofit organization?
View all 7
Fundraising Tools FAQs
Fundraising Tools
What if I can’t find the nonprofit I want to support?
How much does it cost to use Pledge's fundraising tools?
Can I raise funds for anyone or am I limited to nonprofits?
How do I update my custom URL for my fundraiser?
How do I add a Text to Donate keyword to my fundraiser?
View all 9
Virtual Donation Overlay for Online Meetings
What is Pledgeling’s virtual donation overlay?
What is a virtual camera?
What version of Zoom do I need to use the virtual donation overlay?
Can I install Pledgeling’s virtual donation overlay on my iPad, or mobile device?
What platforms can I display Pledgeling’s virtual donation overlay?
View all 10
Nonprofits: Setting up Text-to-Donate
How do I set up a text to donate campaign?
What is Text-to-Donate, and what's included?
What does the donor see when they use Text-to-Donate?
How do I track Text-to-Donate donations?
About your Text-to-Donate keyword
View all 7
What is PledgeCam?
How do I find my fundraiser ID?
Can I create a fundraiser from the PledgeCam app?
I’m not on a Mac - is PledgeCam available on PC?
Can I raise funds for anyone?
View all 17
What is PledgeAI?
What does PledgeAI do?
What does a fundraiser created with PledgeAI come with?
Is PledgeAI free?
Can I edit the images that PledgeAI creates?
View all 6
Evite Fundraisers
Evite Fundraisers: Host Questions
Will the nonprofit be notified that donations came from my Evite charitable fundraiser?
How do I remove donations from an Evite event?
What are the differences between fundraising for personal fundraising (crowdfund) vs for a charitable organization?
How will I know when someone donates to my event?
How do I turn off Evite's emails every time someone donates?
View all 9
Buying and using virtual 'gift cards' for charitable donations
Why do I need to specify a backup organization when purchasing a charitable 'gift card?'
I received a gift 'card.' Now what?
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund)
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund) Only: Setting Up and Changing
Setting up a Personal Fundraiser (Crowdfund)
Completing personal fundraiser (crowdfund) setup if you can't find the email with the instructions
Removing Personal Fundraising (Crowdfund) from your event
Changing a Personal Fundraiser's (Crowdfund) bank account
Completely deleting a Personal Fundraiser (Crowdfund)
View all 8
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund) Only: Payments In & Out
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund): What are the costs of using personal fundraisers (crowdfund)?
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund): When will I receive payments?
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund): How do I see who donated?
Personal Fundraisers (Crowdfund): Refunding an individual donation
I need to upload an image of my ID. How should it be formatted?
View all 6
Shopify "Give & Grow" App
Give & Grow Installation
Give & Grow Pre-Installation FAQs
Embedding your Impact Calculator
Add Customer Donations to Shopping Cart
Add Customer's Choice to Shopping Cart
Creating Your Own Impact Calculator
View all 6
Selecting charitable organizations in Give & Grow
How do I add my nonprofit of choice in Give & Grow?
How are Give & Grow donations paid out? And other questions about donation processing …
Changing your payment method
Making Give & Grow donations by ACH instead of credit card
Give & Grow FAQs
What fees are taken out of my Give & Grow donation?
How do I embed my impact calculator?
The nonprofit I want to support isn't in your Give & Grow list. Now what?
How do I let my customer choose who the donation is going to?
How do I add a donation button to my shopping cart?
View all 13
Donate API
API Basics
How are donations through the API paid for?
Are API donations tax deductible? How do I send tax receipts?
What are the fees for donations made via the API?
Zoom Fundraising Products
Donations by Pledge Zoom App
What is the Donations by Pledge app & why should I install it?
Who can use the Donations by Pledge app?
What is the benefit of using the Donations by Pledge app?
What are the system requirements?
How do I install the app?
View all 47
Zoom General Questions
Can I raise funds for anyone or am I limited to nonprofits?
How much does it cost to use Pledge fundraisers on Zoom?
OnZoom Fundraising Product
Where can I add or see fundraisers on Zoom?
How do I create a fundraiser for my OnZoom event?
Can I raise funds for anyone or am I limited to nonprofits?
When will my attendees be able to donate to nonprofits?
How do I display live donations during my Zoom event?
View all 11
Zoom Marketplace App v1 (UNPUBLISHED)
About Pledgeling Foundation and Pledgeling Technologies
About Pledgeling Foundation and Pledgeling Technologies
What is Pledgeling Foundation?
What is Pledgeling Technologies?
Why doesn't Pledgeling have a phone number for customer support?
Help Desk Software
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